The picture to the right shows our patio and the picture on the left was taken through the window looking at the shed.
Below and on the right is a shot from our bedroom window showing the garden. We were woken up on Sunday morning by a very loud explosion and a huge flash of red and orange which I thought was in the back garden. Why on earth was a bomb going off out the back?
When we looked out to see the devastation caused
this was what we saw!!!! Not blackened rubble but a beautiful snowy scene.
We read in the local press that a lamp post about 100yds from our back garden had been struck by lightning at 7am on Sunday morning. Houses had had their sockets blown out and many telephones had been put out of action. So it was a lightning strike and not a bomb!
Below is a picture of a 'bee-fly', as I am reliably informed.
My daughter found it in her front garden in Winchester several days ago. I have never seen anything like it before and actually
thought it was an exotic moth!
On Monday my daughter and I waited in all day for the delivery of the insulation for her studio recently erected in her back garden. On Tuesday at 1pm and after lots of telephone calls and worthless promises, it actually arrived. BUT the hardboard was so badly warped it was frilled!!!!
You can see the edges in the photograph above as it was unloaded from the open-backed lorry.
This week has been the first week of the Easter holidays (although it hasn't been Easter!) and on Thursday my daughter and my four fantastic and very special grandsons went out for a picnic and a walk in the woods. It was freezing. The wind was blowing and the sky was leaden. However, we braved it and sat on blankets eating our rolls, crisps and grapes. As the cold seeped into our limbs the boys got up and started moving around. We went down into the woods and they had a great time climbing on the tree trunks and playing in the shelters already built.
I have only got one grandson in this picture. The others were milling around pretending to be warriors or spacemen!
And here is a picture of the inside of my daughter's studio with the insulation in place. The lovely and very special m-i-m-l spent several hours on his knees measuring and cutting the foam so that it would be a nice, tight fit. The whole studio has been lined with it so it should be nice and cosy both in summer and winter. In fact, whilst he was working inside the heaviest downfall of hail occurred and the garden was completely white, yet, inside, it was snug and warm.
It only needs some flat hardboard put up to cover the insulation and it can be painted. But that will be the problem - getting the company to collect the wavy hardboard and deliver flat stuff. I don't suppose they will be falling over themselves to deliver more. However, the end is in sight!! I know my daughter can't wait for the moment when she can move in.
I would like to see her sitting at her bench with the lamp alight and the kiln in place designing and creating new and exciting beads and silver jewelry.