Sunday, October 7, 2007


I have just re-discovered my bread baking machine and now I have found the best use for it ever.

I remembered why I had put it to one side when I tried it out again last week after months of retirement. The loaf rose fantastically well, in fact too well but it ended up stuck to the glass window lid and then sank into the biggest crater you can imagine! All the loaves I have made in the past finished with a soggy crater which made slicing the loaf well nigh impossible.

With my new organic buckwheat flour I decided I would try making rolls. The machine could do the hard work and I could just finish it off.

However, last night my husband was completely shocked when he opened the airing cupboard door to put in some newly washed towels only to find a tray of rising rolls in front of his eyes! It was late - after midnight and I had forgotten them. So the oven was switched on and they were baked. The results are shown in the picture and today they tasted delicious. Quite the best bread I have ever made.