Monday, December 31, 2007

Surprise present

On Saturday the ever-lovely man in my life gave me a belated Christmas present.   It was a cardboard box with a handle.  When I opened it I was so surprised I couldn't speak.  It was a Macbook laptop computer!!!!   Wow! And wow! again!  I have always dreamt of owning a laptop and I must say I do fancy the apples - ever since I first put my fingers on a Mac keyboard many moons ago when dreary old, stick-in-the-mud teachers were pushed into the new, technological age of computers.  I loved dragging the icons across the screen to move them about and especially to dump them in the wastepaper basket.

Well, I now own one!  I feel a bit frightened of it though.  I really do not know how to put things onto the screen so that I can use them later.  I suppose it's because I have never needed to (lovely man-in-my-life again).   Anyway, my super duper brain box son (who knows everything there is to know about apples), was really great and sorted it out to get it up and running.  Then, his fantastically organised and clever wife offered to put things onto the desktop and show me how to operate the things I want.  They have both spent hours helping me and I am eternally grateful.   Thank you both.  I know I shall still need more help in the future, so don't go away, please.                                                                                                                                

Of course, my lovely m-i-m-l has shown and guided me through everything too.  He is still getting acquainted with apples though after a lifetime of PCs - which he's crazy about.  How kind it was of him to get me something which is more difficult for him to use.                                                                                                      

If I find out how to get pics onto this site from my new computer I shall add some asap.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas this and that

Just thought I'd post a brilliant card which one of my grandsons gave us. I believe that it captures the essence of Christmas. He was so pleased with the result he couldn't wait to see our faces when we opened it.

My daughter and family gave me a lovely lampwork focal bead pendant which she had made and silver chain. I think it's beautiful and shows her considerable skill. The photograph has been taken indoors and under tungsten lighting so it isn't true to its colours but I wanted to show it.

These are the covers of DVDs which the man in my life was given for Christmas. As you can see he is more than a little interested in Astronomy and has recently spent several freezing evenings nipping outside with the telescope trying to capture images of Mars. Apparently the lens has become misted over and the images have been blurry but he is hoping to overcome this obstacle. Watch this space!!!

He also acquired a slide guitar which he is finding more of a challenge than he expected. This Michael Messer DVD may help but unfortunately it appears to be scratched so we have to 'have a chat' to the supplier tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

I've just had two lovely days with my family. I think it would be very lonely if I didn't have children and grandchildren to enjoy. Everyone has been so kind and generous with their time and thoughtful presents - we have so many I feel quite embarrassed. Thank you everyone.

We had two grandsons here for Christmas dinner yesterday and everyone had a great time opening presents. The tree looked healthy after a year outside and we didn't overdo the decorations and weigh it down too much. I have put up a picture of the tree and another of the puddings which the grandsons had.

Today we went to see the other two grandsons and had another great time opening more presents! We don't really deserve all this love and attention. The silver pendant was made by grandson number 1 and he had a little bit of help from Mummy. It's really beautifully made and I love the design!
This old English yew turned bowl is quite amazing with all the imperfections of natural wood. When you hold it you HAVE to stroke it - it's so soft and smooth. Thank you for this lovely present.
The pair of earrings below are a present from my lovely best man. They match exactly the bracelet which he gave me a little while ago. I love them.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Fair

On Saturday I took dizzydesigns' beautiful handmade beads and jewellery to the fair at Overton. It took ages to set up but I had a good spot and the table was lovely and big. I was next to an amateur artist from Kingsclere who had some great water colours of boats old and new.
It was raining though - you may remember that it was forecast as being a really bad day weather-wise. It was also rather cold. The venue was lovely and the caretaking staff and tea makers were so helpful and friendly. But the public stayed away.

Well, some ventured out and dripped into the hall. Those who came were chatty and happy to wander around in the warm. I did sell several items but nowhere near as much as I'd hoped.
A shame, as the lampwork beads really sparkled.
Next to me was, Raspberry, my daughter-in-law with her gorgeous array of corsages and really fab handmade bags! Those who appreciated quality realised that they were beautifully made and finished off. The picture above shows her table. The bags are all unique and show her expert skills in needlework and design.
On the table you can also see some superb photographs taken by my hugely talented son. I am very proud of him and his works of art. I love every one.
I think I did pretty well on the whole considering the quiet pace. I'm sure another time, and with better weather I would do very well.

Thank you Overton for your warm welcome and also to those who came to have a look. I'll be back, I hope, next year!