Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas this and that

Just thought I'd post a brilliant card which one of my grandsons gave us. I believe that it captures the essence of Christmas. He was so pleased with the result he couldn't wait to see our faces when we opened it.

My daughter and family gave me a lovely lampwork focal bead pendant which she had made and silver chain. I think it's beautiful and shows her considerable skill. The photograph has been taken indoors and under tungsten lighting so it isn't true to its colours but I wanted to show it.

These are the covers of DVDs which the man in my life was given for Christmas. As you can see he is more than a little interested in Astronomy and has recently spent several freezing evenings nipping outside with the telescope trying to capture images of Mars. Apparently the lens has become misted over and the images have been blurry but he is hoping to overcome this obstacle. Watch this space!!!

He also acquired a slide guitar which he is finding more of a challenge than he expected. This Michael Messer DVD may help but unfortunately it appears to be scratched so we have to 'have a chat' to the supplier tomorrow!

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